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A Minor a day 19 …

By December 21, 2017IOTW

1933 Minor Two-seater S.V. 31826 aka AMG 30 and 289 UXG

This is a very well known car within club circles. With a post-war history reasonably well-documented and going back to 1964, AMG 30 was owned for a number of years by forumist, Alister Reid (Highlander).  The valuable original (AMG 30) Middlesex registration was stripped from the car by an earlier owner and is now held on retention, presumably awaiting a wealthy Mercedes Benz owner. Alister’s height caused him to reconsider ownership towards the end of the last decade and the car was passed on to Simon Tuke a Surrey neighbour. Having covered very few miles during Simon’s ownership the car was then purchased in 2013 by one of this forum’s moderators, Roger Lucke.  The car is now used regularly and is of course meticulously maintained, as would be expected!

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