Yet another image about which little is known. This was recently found uncaptioned in the archive, having lain there unnoticed since 2003. The Minor 5 cwt van in question was first registered in Birmingham in 1930, although to which of the various Newnhams’ scattered across England this vehicle was associated is anyones guess. It had served a useful community purpose as a private mobile lending library, perhaps doubling as a grocery delivery vehicle? Neverless, a sad end to what was probably a hard working life.
Thanks to member Mike Taylor, more is now known about this van. It’s not a an OF (Birmingham) registration but DF 9897, first registered in Gloucestershire in 1930. Mike knew of the van’s existance from the late 50s through to the 70’s and confirms that it was saved and restored. The Newnham village concerned was Newnham-on-Severn, Glos. (The DVLA records that the van was last taxed in 1994.