JF 2437 is a December 1931 Leicester City Borough Council registered 1932 season Morris Minor Saloon. The left-hand image originates on a 35mm colour slide recently purchased on eBay. The photo looks to have been taken in the mid to late sixties and the car, although apparently in regular use, is in a very sorry state. The doors have dropped, the scruffy paintwork is edged in rust and a large dent is visible on the rear wing. The second image was taken in 2018 at the Wilton Country Fair near Salisbury and here the restored car is being exhibited by its owner. According to the DVLA, it last changed hands in 2015 while prior to that it was auctioned by Richards Edmunds in 2012. There are other images of the restored car dating back to 2009 which are held in the Network’s archive.