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Triple M Corner no.7

By January 19, 2016February 19th, 2016Triple M corner

The Triple M series of MG’s all belong to a family of models that commenced with the 1929 MG Midget and continued through to the mid-thirties via a long string of four and six cylinder OHC engined cars that forged the marques identity.

1932 MG J2 Midget RX 9980

The J2 Midget succeeded the M Type and was announced to the world via 5th August 1932 editions of both the Light Car and The Autocar. Just a single broadside view of the new car appeared in the Light Car while an array of images greeted The Autocar reader along with a full Road Test report (No.739). On the 18th February 1933 the car that was the subject of that road test, RX 9980 was photographed while taking part in the SUNBAC Colmore Trial on the Warwickshire/Gloucestershire borders. It was driven by J.R. Temple and carried a female passenger. It’s seen here fording a stream in what looks to be very cold conditions with evidence of snow on the ground. The car and crew performed particularly well as they collected a First Class Award for their toils. Could J.R. Temple be associated with Temple Press, the publishers of both the Motor and Light Car magazines? (LAT Plate B9477)

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