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Triple M corner no. 111

By August 27, 2018September 3rd, 2018Triple M corner

The Triple M series of MG’s all belong to a family of models that commenced with the 1929 MG Midget and continued through to the mid-thirties via a long string of four and six cylinder OHC engined cars that forged the marques identity.

There were just three Irish International Grand Prix which for a short period were held annually between 1929 until 1931. Competitors were tasked with lapping the four and a quarter mile course 71 times to cover the full 300 mile distance, all of this within the confines of Pheonix Park, Dublin, a huge open space well within the city’s boundaries. This ‘Motor’ plate image (LAT ref 680-2) shows the MG C Type Midget of Mr. H. D. Barker leading D. C. MacLaughlin’s Riley. While Barker finished sixth there were three C Type Midgets ahead of him, nine Midgets finishing in total, ensuring that the team prize went to the Earl of March’s all MG team. MacLaughlin’s Riley failed to finish.

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