The preamble
The 2017 POTY competition is the fifth running of what is now a permanent fixture on the website’s calendar. Our two main sponsors (LAT Images along with Stewart Miller & Peter James insurance) continue to offer support for which we heartily thank them. The LAT team have once again agreed to adjudicate the competition, a rule change we adopted in 2016 following a suggestion by members of the website’s forum.
The LAT judging panel will consist of a team of three from their photographic archive headed up by the archive’s curator, all of whom examine automotive images as part of their daily routine. It’s therefore safe to say that they are experts! Not that this should dissuade you from entering, as without your entries the competition wouldn’t exist. The rules remain unchanged from 2016 and can be found below.
Throughout the year many excellent photographs are posted to the website’s Forum and can be seen on the site’s homepage and in the image galleries elsewhere. Please take a look at these galleries and the archive pages where literally hundreds of photographs of our cars reside and be inspired to go out and photograph your Minor, M Type or Hornet – they will definitely gain exposure on the website and who knows, some may even end up in the gallery on this page with you claiming the LAT Plate!
The winning image will entitle the entrant to select an A3 sized print from the huge LAT archive and use a £50 voucher against any of the array of insurance services provided by Stewart Miller & Peter James Insurance. (Header image courtesy of Peter Brock)
NB: Please submit entries via email to
The 2017 POTY winning entry – ‘Mont Blanc view’ by Arie Roest
2017 entries...
The rules
1.) Images are to depict, or be related to, a pre-war Morris Minor, MG M Type Midget or early (1930-1935) Wolseley Hornet.
2.) Entries can be accepted in the form of a hard copy, digital file or by the identification of a selected image from those currently appearing on the website.
3.) Entries are restricted to three per person and exclude all images entered into previous POTY competitions.
4.) All images entered will have been taken within the last 18 months i.e. After 1st June 2016.
5.) Members can submit either their own photograph or nominate another’s image for inclusion in the competition.
(If the owner of the image rights to the photograph is known, that persons’ permission to use the image must be sought and obtained prior to entry.)
6.) Last entries to be received prior to midnight on Wednesday 20th December.
7.) The winner of the two prizes on offer will be the entrant and NOT the photographer if these differ.
8.) Adjudication of the images will be carried out by the LAT archive’s curator and his team at LAT Images with the results being published on the PWMN website at noon on Sunday 24th December.
9.) Names of entrants will be withheld until after the conclusion of the voting process.
10.) Entry is free.
11.) Please submit images via email to