The ‘Marches Rally’ was first scheduled to take place in June 2020 but the onset of the coronavirus pandemic that spring, meant that in mid-March all plans had to be shelved, at least for the time being. Twelve months later the successful vaccination program augered well for a relaxation of the government imposed restrictions and an early June 2021 date was announced for the rescheduled event. The rapid spread of new virus variants made a second postponement inevitable, although our venues agreed to accommodate us six weeks later, shortly after the re-imposed restrictions were due to be lifted once again. Sadly, even that July date fell foul to freshly imposed English and Welsh ‘gatherings’ rulings and a final cancellation announcement was made. Despite this, many of those planning to attend, decided not to alter their travel and accommodation plans and still came to the Welsh Marches after all. The images in the galleries below show that the ‘Not the 2021 Network Rally’ was a big success while lacking any of the formal organised events that were programmed to occur had the restrictions not applied. Let us hope that by the time our next rally is scheduled (June 2022) we will all be leading far more normal lives with the restrictions suffered during 2020 and 2021 a thing of the past. Finally, a huge THANK YOU to our rally hosts, Tony & June Adlard for their patience and forebearance over the full two-year period.