Image - Henry Harvey
The Network’s ninth annual photographic competition sponsored by:
1. Decide which of the two versions you wish to purchase:
Traditional wall calendar @ £11 + £2.30 p&p (U.K.) Enquire for postage costs if outside of the United Kingdom.
Smaller square desktop type @ £8 + £2 p&p (U.K.) ditto
2. Make payment via PayPal to or for other payment methods, request details via the same email address.
3. Email your postal address details to
Photograph of the year Competition results
The winning 2022 calendar images are:
The pre-amble…
After the restrictions on our liberty and the related stresses associated with the ongoing pandemic, the launch of a photographic competition could be viewed as a distraction at a time of national crisis. I hope
it is! Perhaps this will help take our minds off the ongoing booster jabs program and the fact that Christmas is just around the corner.
This will be the Network’s ninth POTY competition which once again is being sponsored by Motorsport Images. While the prizes are modest and may not set the pulses racing, some of the images seen over that nine year period, certainly will. A portfolio of prior years winning photographs would be testament to that. However, the competition is not all about expensive lenses, photographic technique or the use of ‘depth of field’, and far more about seeing the shot and capturing the moment or the atmosphere. This can just as easily be achieved via the camera on your smartphone or the compact camera you keep in your pocket. The rules for entry are straightforward and can be viewed below. Don’t be afraid to enter, look through your old hard copy photographs and the digital images of your car held on your computer, then select up to three shots and send them to me at (If you have a technical issue in getting your images to me, also drop me an email and we’ll find a way around the problem.) Chris Lambert – November 2021
The Rules…
Images are to depict, or be related to, a pre-war Morris Minor, MG M Type Midget or Wolseley Hornet.
Entries can be accepted in the form of a hard copy, digital file or by the identification of a selected image from those currently appearing on the website.
Entries are restricted to three per person and exclude all images previously entered for earlier POTY competitions.
The age of the photograph is no hinderance to its inclusion.
Members can submit either their own photograph or nominate another’s image for inclusion in the competition.
(If the owner of the image rights to the photograph is known, that persons’ permission to use the image must be sought and obtained prior to entry.)
Entries can be submitted with immediate effect, although they won’t appear in the competition gallery until the 14th November. The latest date for receipt of entries is midnight on Monday 29th November.
The winner of the prizes on offer will be the entrant and NOT the photographer if these differ.
Adjudication of the images will be carried out by the Director of Photo Collections at Motorsport Images and his immediate team, with the results being published on the PWMN website at noon on Friday 3rd December.
Names of entrants will be withheld until after the conclusion of the voting process.
Entry is free.
The winning 12 images will appear in the Network’s 2022 calendar which will be available for purchase from mid-December onwards, via the website and forum.