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Triple M corner no.84

By February 25, 2018Triple M corner

The Triple M series of MG’s all belong to a family of models that commenced with the 1929 MG Midget and continued through to the mid-thirties via a long string of four and six cylinder OHC engined cars that forged the marques identity.

A total of 69 cars took part in the Light Car Club’s 1931 inaugural Relay ‘Grand Prix’. The conditions were awful and a large part of the race was run in torrential rain. This photo shows the start of the race with the ‘scratch cars’ from Littlewood-Clarke’s MG Midget team and the Randall led Austin Seven trio about to come under starters orders. A full report on the proceedings can be found on the Austin Harris website here.

(Editors note: This image had always intrigued me, as the head of the crew member in the Austin Seven seen staring straight at the camera, always struck me as looking like a bodyless cardboard cut-out! An opportunity to examine a high-resolution image reveals that he is wearing a white racing overall which against the smoke of his car’s exhaust makes his torso virtually invisible.)

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