This week sees the start of a series in which we celebrate the Morris Minor Special in all its various guises. These include homebuilts, factory prototypes and of course those that emerged from the workshops of Britain’s coachbuilding businesses throughout the late twenties and early thirties. It will also encompass composite images of specials that were known to have been built but for which no photographs survive, these images created by Network members to whom many thanks.
Our first image is of a 1932 Jensen Minor Special EC 9783. These beautiful 2+2 models, designed by the Jensen brothers in West Bromwich were built bearing both Jensen and McEvoy enscriptions. This particular car wears a 1932 Westmorland registration and is currently owned by Network member, Simon Hodgins in Surrey. This photo pre-dates Simon’s ownership and EC 9783 was subsequently rebuilt. Sadly it has not seen much action for about ten years.